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Friday, July 17, 2015

Mainstream Media Refuses To Give Planned Parenthood Scandal Legs. The Question Is: Why?

Whenever abortion pops into the picture, emotions run high.

But where do mainstream newspapers get off simply not reporting the news?

This is what happened Tuesday when a video of a Planned Parenthood exec discussing the sale of aborted fetus parts over lunch went viral. Who eats salad while discussing fetal livers?

As the story unfolded, the only sites covering it were the ones who were most disgusted by it — Glenn Beck‘s TheBlaze, National Review, Breitbart News, TownHall, The Federalist, RedState and my own employer, The Daily Caller.

Lefty sites like Salon, Slate, BuzzFeed, and Gawker followed up late Tuesday and Wednesday to discredit the entire story. It’s not what it seemed. No laws were broken, they reported. “No,” declared Gawker like a stern schoolmarm. “Planned Parenthood is not selling aborted fetal body parts.” On Wednesday night, Media Matters, which operates like an arm of the Democratic Party, had a cluster of stories on its homepage — all debunking the video.

Salon rolled out their anti-choice piece on Wednesday at lunchtime (yum).

Politico left out all opinion and played it straight. The story had a pure news hook — “Republican lawmakers call for investigations into Planned Parenthood.”

The Hill wrote a headline that drew the ire of conservative media. “Seize” being the key word that made them bristle.

Full article here


  1. Because they do what Obama tells them but it's ALL becoming unraveled.

  2. There are too many problems in the world to address all of them at once,and leave it to a nobody like myself to enlighten the rest of you to that.Everyone everywhere thinks their silly little cause should be at the top of the to do list.Leave it up to a nobody like me to say that doing everything right now is not possible.If the world was not so full of poor managers more people would realize the issues that are immediate priorities vs those that can wait.

  3. If your for it or against it your maker will deal with you appropriately.

  4. Liberal media has had blood on their hands for years. Why, because they approve of abortion. ALL abortions no matter how and when they're done. They have Always tried to suppress the truth regarding abortion. So be it. Someday is payday...

  5. Cloward Piven, agreed. Make it too much to comprehend, and you can make anything happen in the back door!


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