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Friday, July 10, 2015

Liberals Don't Want A Fence That Works


  1. Something wrong with that picture isn't it? Amazing! Aliens can't be stopped because they don't want to stop them, end of story.


  2. Truer words were never spoken.

  3. Donald Trump will stop them. Vote the Donald in 2016. Shake up the establishment!

  4. A fence might not but a couple of Browning .50 cals would!!

  5. apparently there is a call to lower the fence, because it is too tall, and some of the illegals are falling and injuring themselves!!!!

  6. What a joke. Might as well elect a joke...vote for the Donald.

  7. 12:14- The joke was electing Obama twice! Donald owes no one. He is the change we need in America. He has the balls to tell the right and left to piss off. We have not had someone like that for years. He will speak his mind and not care who he offends. I am sick of sugar coating things. Most agree with trump they just would never say it out loud. At least he is a better option than Hillary or Omalley

  8. Agreed 1:34, I have been waiting for one candidate to stand up to the liberals regardless of the consequences. As for the MSM's opinion they tell us Obama and Hillary are wonderful so who cares what they think or say.


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