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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lawsuit Asks Major League Baseball To Put Up Safety Nets All The Way To Foul Poles

I’ve been going to baseball games since I was old enough to walk, and I’ve even had regular seats in prime foul ball territory. Yet I’ve never managed to snag an errant ball (and luckily, I’ve never had to duck out of the way from a flying bat). If a new lawsuit has its way, my dream of someday catching a foul ball will become even more of a fantasy.

“Every year, a growing number of fans, of all ages but often children, suffer often horrific and preventable injuries, such as blindness, skull fractures, severe concussions, and brain hemorrhages, when they are struck by a screaming foul ball or flying shrapnel from a shattered bat while sitting in an unprotected area,” reads the complaint [PDF] filed in a federal court in California against the office of Rob Manfred, the Commissioner of Major League Baseball.



  1. Don't want to pay attention to the game, don't go to the game. But don't ruin the fan experience for the rest of us, just so you can keep screwing around with your phone or bs'ing on "social networks".

    If you get nailed by a foul ball or errant bat because you weren't paying attention, the only thing I'm doing is laughing at you.

  2. When a line drive foul ball is hit in the stands, there is hardly NO time at all to react, or even get your glove up to catch it. That is why I will not sit in the box seats behind the Shorebirds dugout. Best seats in the house, but I won't take the chance.

    So yes, there are safety issues sometimes. Love baseball though! Go Birds!!

  3. And baseball will follow NASCAR down the drain.


  4. Has ever been thus. Lawyer should be sanctioned for not pursuing class action back to 1839 and suing estate of Abner Doubleday.

    Championship banners of any team who hit a foul into the stands should be taken down.

    Etc, etc,

  5. Anyone knows that you watch a baseball game at your own risk. Since there is no netting in the dangerous places, I choose not to sit there. To have a lawsuit over this is ridiculous.

  6. One night I was sitting in my living room watching an Orioles game.A line drive came right through my TV set and missed my head by inches.Since then I've always worn a helmet and a facemask while watching a game.I also went to Wal Mart and bought a mitt just in case.

  7. The nets that are already up are not to protect VIP fans, but those in areas with least amount of time to react. People should have plenty of time along the sides. The NHL added nets behind the goalies where hard shots sometimes land in the stands but not the sides. I agree with the person who said pay attention!!

  8. I'm with 12:15....watch the game, not your IPad.
    Is our country FILLED with sissy, "its always someone else's fault", cross-dressing girlies???
    Isn't there a Broadway show you could attend and leave the rest of us alone? I WANT the ball to come my way!

  9. Pay attention and you wont get hit. if they put screen down the whole side then I am done forever going to games. Read the back of your ticket.


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