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Monday, July 06, 2015

JUST IN: US appeals court upholds EPA plan to clean up Chesapeake Bay; farmers call it a power grab

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A U.S. appeals court on Monday approved a federal plan to limit pollution in the Chesapeake Bay despite objections from farmers, builders and others who accused the Environmental Protection Agency of a power grab.

The ruling by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholds restrictions on farm and construction runoff and wastewater treatment, and has the support of environmentalists and officials in the six states that surround the Chesapeake.

"The Chesapeake Bay (plan) will require sacrifice by many, but that is a consequence of the tremendous effort it will take to restore health to the Bay — to make it once again a part of our "land of living," Circuit Judge Thomas Ambro wrote, quoting American poet Robert Frost.



  1. So the folks up north that pollute the most will suffer the least, while the folks further south that suffer the most from the degraded conditions will have their businesses ruined.....but it makes the 'green' groups happy!

    Thanks for screwing the common working man!

  2. Until we stop voting career politicians in this is what we'll get.

  3. 3:47PM I agree and I also feel that the next president should be vetted every which way til Sunday. Any decent candidate would want to be prepared to answer a great deal of personal questions put to them by the voters. We don't want another mistake or rotten apple in the bucket!

  4. My dad farmed all his life,he is gone now,one thing I remember him saying to me is,son,by the time your 40 there will be no farming/farms on the eastern shore of Maryland.I am 36 now and farm the same ground he did,sadly I am starting to think he was right.This is a crying friggin shame.

  5. Drip, drip one more freedom gone, soon what little is left of America will be gone, just another once was place.


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