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Monday, July 13, 2015

'Judge-shopping' alleged in Freddie Gray case

Defense attorneys for the officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray are accusing prosecutors of misconduct by "judge-shopping" to get a search warrant approved.

In the latest filing in the case, the defense attorneys cite a police memo turned over by prosecutors that indicates an April 24 application for a warrant to search the officers' phones was rejected by a District Court judge, who found it lacked probable cause.


  1. Again I despise the left.

  2. No surprise here. Mosby's an affirmative action bimbo who was pushed through law school based solely on her blackness and nothing more.
    She's the poster child for what a complete failure affirmative action is and how it is responsible for the dumbing down of the country.

  3. Word among the ranks of the B.C.P.D. is that soon this will all be over and the six officers will be clear. So The GREAT Mayor of Baltimore City is rigging it so the WHITE FOLKS is going to get the blame as she fired the Black Police Commander Batts and Put a White Man in Charge ??? Makes u shake your head and wonder WHY ??

  4. Bob Aswell .. former police CorporalJuly 14, 2015 at 12:33 PM

    Having been a police officer at one time, I realize the rules of procedure in a Felony trial. Its a shame Mosby being a minority half-assed attorney DOESN'T. She has the same chance of convicting those police officers as a chicken has with Col. Sanders.
    I'll take any and all comers that the verdict is ALL LOW GRADE misdemeanors or ONLY guilty of the violation of BCPD departmental rules. This is what you get when you put monkeys in positions of authority, peanuts. Bob Aswell


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