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Friday, July 03, 2015

Japan Train during morning rush hour


  1. looks like peeps trying to get out of the 'BURY'.

  2. This is the proverbial "we are creating jobs" issued by our government. "Pushing" the sewage of society into the public sector jobs!

  3. And when the door opens I guess they all come tumbling out. What a freaking mess, and to think they do this day in and day out. Whew!!

  4. there going to work. all they need to do is to get a longer train or a big shoe horn. around here they have buses to haul overweight people to wal-mart to buy more unhealthy food with there independence cards.

  5. Gosh, that's almost as many people as the number of clowns that fit in my VW bug.

  6. I'd lose my mind if I had to live there!

  7. This is nothing new. I lived there over 40 years ago, as a kid with my family, and we rode the trains frequently. It takes some getting used to, and I hated it, as a little kid.


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