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Thursday, July 16, 2015

It Actually Is A Good Question


  1. And it is only christian whites who can be racist and commit hate crimes! If you ask the racist problem is on the other end of the spectrum, when was the last time a black person was jumped by a white mob for being in the "wrong neighborhood"?

  2. Being black comes with privileges. Just ask Rachel!!

  3. It may be a good question but the answer is immediately self evident. It is racism - plain and simple. The only way to make it clear to those who choose not to see it (due to either white guilt or the fact that it doesn't support thier social agenda) is to play tit for tat. White people do the very same things black people do - to the letter. Then when racist organizations complain, immediately and clearly illustrate the parallels.

  4. because they are black, it's cutural pride. if they were white, it would be racist.

    1. More like self-aggrandizement, narcissism, over-inflated self-worth, a pervasive delusion of entitlement, and exaggerated self-esteem...it's what schools teach them and their parent's behavior.

  5. What we are currently experiencing IS race discrimination BY THE BLACKS !!! It has been going on for years and has been supported by the government and the "justice" system. Our present US Communist President (Obama) has been doing a great job fanning the fires of racism because he wants the people to revolt so he can be the new communist czar of the new US socialist republic !!!

    Don't take my word for it, just study the history of Communism and the Soviet Union (than you will agree with me).

    If you want to look into the future of the US study the fall of Rome.

  6. They should all be expelled from school for promoting hate. Such a disgrace.

  7. I work in a local high school and I can tell you for a fact that blacks are much more racist than whites. Many of the blacks are very wonderful pleasant kids but a large portion of them are hateful towards us white teachers. They refuse to follow any rules and when you say something to them they give you a bunch of lip or totally ignore you asnif you are not even there. Mostly males but many females as well. It seem they are being taught this somewhere.


  8. 1:03 pm is completely accurate about both the great kids, and the kids who do only what they please because they know the school system has its hands tied by Annapolis and Washington dictates to turn in stats that paint an untruthful, rosy picture about behaviors cataloged by race.

    The really sad feature of this attempt to gloss over reality is that it postpones the day of reckoning for the 'bad actors' until they have left the schools. By then it is difficult for them to learn the worthwhile behaviors needed to succeed in school and in life. Tragic.

  9. REALLY You all ?? Instead of coming here and crying crap.. Go and try it and see what happens and when they complain. Go and show this picture and ask WHY ??? And then call me ...

  10. 1:03PM They are being taught in many of their "churches" from an early age, and re-enforced by the adults living around them.

  11. Why not? That's the problem. White people run from confrontation. We need to take a stand. Are we afraid or what?


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