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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Is the Civil War Over?

In the wake of the recent murders in a South Carolina church, the killer’s hope of igniting a race war produced the opposite effect. Blacks and whites in South Carolina came together to condemn his act and the race hate behind it.

Some saw in the decision to remove the Confederate flag from in front of the state house a symbolic repudiation of the old South’s racial past — and the end of the Civil War. But, unfortunately, wars do not end until both sides decide that it is over.

The black parishioners who expressed forgiveness toward the killer did more than most of us could do, and the whites who responded with solidarity did their part. Note how quickly this was done, by ordinary people of good will — black and white — without the “help” of racial activists like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.

Professional race hustlers have no incentive to see our current civil war end. They see in this shooting only an opportunity to escalate their demands.

Now there are rumblings of demands that statues of Robert E. Lee and other Southern leaders be destroyed — and if that is done, it will only lead to new demands, perhaps to destroy the Jefferson Memorial because Thomas Jefferson owned slaves. And if that is done, no doubt there will be demands that the city of Washington be renamed, for the same reason.

In short, there is no stopping point, just unending strife as far out as the eye can see. And just what will that accomplish? It could ultimately accomplish the killer’s dream of racial polarization and violence.



  1. Some groups of people seem to dedicate their lives to whining about anything and everything from the past. The Civil War has been over for generations and some act like it ended last week. Work to make tomorrow better and stop making yourself miserable by dwelling on past things that can't be changed.

  2. Guess not seem to be a lot of non Americans rallying around the flag of another country

    1. That statement makes absolutely no sense.

  3. It was all a hoax and all the people being shown on the news stations barley shedding a tear of their suspodley deceased loved ones are all crisis actors. It's obvious. People need to wake up. Riots are staged , burned flags , staged shootings .... <3 the government Google it , you'll find more than enough evidence for you to make your own decision.

  4. the civil war will never be over too many people enjoy creating unrest within our society the civil war is just as much a part of our country's history as all other wars we have been involved in there have been wrongdoings in every conflict,but we don't have to continue the hatred brought on by the minority to create unrest and disbelief among the races and social classes our elected officials have done a disgrace to this country and their position to not try to create harmony among the american people

  5. Well I the #1rule in the Democratic play book is " Never let a good disaster h of to waste ". You ever noticed when disaster strikes Democrat's never solve a problem. They make a problem bigger. Much bigger because they have idiots out there who will do ANYTHING for a hat and T- shirt.

  6. Yeah, like Bush solved the problems in New Orleans and the stock market. You have the nerve to call Democrats idiots. Just look at the Republican track record. I think 9 innocent people being slaughtered in a church by a white supremist is a big deal.

    I would much rather be called an idiot than a racist.

    1. I'd rather be called a "racist", than actually be an idiot.

      But suit yourself.

  7. @6:30 but Democrats are idiots and racists! In fact they are far worse. They use the race card to advance themselves and their agenda everyday. I wonder , do you think all of the black on white crime is just as big of a deal?? Or are you being a typical democrat and jumping on the race card?

  8. 1:41 I think it's time to put down that Crack pipe as its only for recreational use......please do us all a favor and get a job......a life....anything please.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:41 I think it's time to put down that Crack pipe as its only for recreational use......please do us all a favor and get a job......a life....anything please.

    July 15, 2015 at 9:05 PM

    do us a favor and pull your head out

  10. "I would much rather be called an idiot than a racist." Not a problem. That post earned you the title - idiot.

  11. Actually 1:41 is correct if you take the time to actually research yourself instead of trusting the media cartel that is owned by only 6 companies that have globalist profits and globalist one world government agenda to push out of the chaos. It is systematically done to divide the American people


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