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Friday, July 17, 2015

I spent 2 years cleaning houses. What I saw makes me never want to be rich.

Let me tell you something you already know: Your housekeeper spies on you.

We work alone. We get bored. What do you expect?

I worked for a company cleaning houses for two years. It was flexible. It paid well enough. I didn't think of it as a career, or identify with it; it was just what I did to get myself through college as a single mom.

At first I didn't snoop. When they set me off on my own with a white binder containing directions for each house, I just dropped my daughter off at day care and went.

I checked how many pills they'd taken and learned which prescriptions had turned into recreations

I found the houses on little winding roads, the hidden keys tucked under gnomes or rugs. I parked my car where it wouldn't drip oil on their driveway, lugged my tray of supplies inside, and called to clock in, standing by picture windows overlooking the ocean, looking at the perfectly manicured lawn, the chairs around the deck, the path down to the dock, and the boat that glittered even in the rain. I cleaned, and I moved on. I had 20 clients and two or three houses a day to get to, anyway.

But after a few months, my boss told me to clean slower. (We didn't call it that, of course. We called it "more detailed.") The company had a high turnover rate, she explained, and we billed by the hour. If I cleaned houses quicker than the girl who'd replace me, clients would want to continue paying the lower rate.



  1. What a really judgmental article about the trappings of society. Well guess what? We are here only for a short time. What drives me doesn't have to be what drives you. Mind your own business lady.

  2. Well as my mother used to say " Rather be poor and happy then rich and miserable ".

  3. I have cleaned houses for 19 years. I've never, not even once, snooped in anyone's personal belongings. I've never opened a medicine cabinet to see what drugs are in it. I won't even go in a linen closet to get out clean sheets! I am in a persons home to do my job... Period! I don't care what happens in a persons home as long as I don't see child or animal abuse it is none of my business. I am paid to do a job and that job doesn't require spying or snooping!

  4. People (paid or otherwise) who snoop are usually motivated by jealousy and a desire to somehow make themselves feel superior in some fashion.

  5. 3:50.
    Leave your number. I need a good housekeeper.

  6. Thanks for your integrity, 3:50. This woman's story says more about her than it does the people that she's busy snooping on and judging.

  7. how about this housekeeper being arrested and prosecuted for invasion of privacy. geez what a joke. get out

  8. When I have guest over I get a bag of 100+ marbles and I methodically place them in the medicine cabinet. When the nosy ones are being nosy they get busted because they have no business peeking in my medicine cabinet. This trick proves who your friends are because they can't put the marbles back in the cabinet after they scatter all over the sink and the floor.

  9. Wow. What a nice host.

  10. i just set bear traps and poison dart booby traps for my house cleaner and guests!

  11. You think this article is something new??? As long has there has been cleaning services there have been snoops. How dumb can you be???

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow. What a nice host.

    July 17, 2015 at 8:09 PM

    Wow. What a snoopy, nosy a$$ guest. Nothing like a parasite who thinks they are entitled to invading my privacy.


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