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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Huge carp found in Kansas ditch is no fish story

Rarely is a trophy fish so easy to land.

An animal control officer in Olathe, Kansas, recently hauled in a 60-pound (27-kg) carp that was lying in a drainage ditch. A man out for a walk last week spotted the fish and called police, city animal control officer Jamie Schmidt said on Tuesday.

The man estimated the fish at more than four feet (1.22 meters) - and he was not telling a whopper, said Schmidt, who responded to the call in suburban Kansas City. The carp lay dead in a roadside ditch that connects to a lake and it apparently swam there when heavy rain caused flooding, she said.

"When the guy said it was four foot, I thought 'Well, most men tell fish stories' and I thought it wasn't going to be even close to that," Schmidt said. "I was very shocked."



  1. This is not unusual. Carp are really stupid fish and wander into all kinds of strange places. Now, if one showed up in a swimming pool THAT would be unusual.

  2. They have carp close to this size in the city park. No fish tale either, they are massive

  3. And practically inedible.

  4. Did you all know that your goldfish were nothing but carp?


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