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Monday, July 20, 2015

Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October … According to 2 Financial Forecasters

Two well-known financial forecasters claim that virtually all governments worldwide will be hit with a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of October 2015

Two well-known financial forecasters claim that virtually all governments worldwide will be hit with a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of October 2015.

Martin Armstrong is a controversial market analyst who correctly predicted the 1987 crash, the top of the Japanese market, and many other market events … more or less to the day. Many market timers think that Armstrong is one of the very best.

(On the other hand, he was jailed for 11 years on allegations of contempt, fraud and an alleged Ponzi scheme. Armstrong’s supporters say the government jailed him on trumped-up charges as a way to try to pressure him into handing over his forecasting program).

Armstrong has predicted for years that governments worldwide would melt down in a crisis of insolvency and lack of trust starting this October. Specifically, Armstrong predicts that a major cycle will turn onOctober 1, 2015, shifting investors’ trust from the public sector and governments to the private sector.



  1. And all computers will crash when the new year 2000 hits!. I know!

  2. Nope too late.watch for popes visit

  3. Everyone should prepare.

  4. As JFK used to say. Can't believe the experts.

  5. Always be prepared for the worst. This is your responsibility. Fear no man. Trust in God...

  6. ALL this BS is trying to sell gold

  7. 9:03-To ultimately be redeemed for cash unfortunately.


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