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Sunday, July 19, 2015

George Lopez On Donald Trump: ‘There Are Enough Racists In This Country For Him To Get Elected’

George Lopez thinks Donald Trump could be America’s next president, but only because there are enough racists in the country to vote for him.

When a reporter asked the 54-year-old actor if he would consider hosting “Celebrity Apprentice” because NBC reportedly wants its next host to be a minority, Lopez said Latinos are no longer a minority.

“You know how many Latinos are in the United States? I think you better check your stats,” Lopez said. “We’re the largest square majority.”



  1. Lopez is a nobody.....stinks as an actor,really stinks as a comic.....washed up hack who can't stand the fact that with trump we as a country may be able to come back.......sounds like a typical scared democrat......surely he voted for obumer.....useless piece of garbage.

  2. Lopez is a nobody trying to stay relevant; he should hook up with Roseanne Barr to star in the movie "The Obama's Love Triangle " featuring Anthony Weiner as Larry Sinclair.

  3. Lopez is proud to be Mexican, not American.

    I say send him and his friends back, all 20 million of them.

    a journey of 1000 leagues begins with a single step.

  4. Most Hispanics and Latinos living in this country legally live below poverty level and will always be poor if they don't wise up.
    The only way their wages are ever going to rise is if the steady stream of unskilled workers stops in this country.
    If they are happy living like peons then keep on letting more immigrants in the country.
    Doesn't make a bit of difference to me. If they are not smart enough to figure this out then let them be peons forever.

  5. What is so bad about being a "Racist", at least you're not a big phony like a lot of people.

  6. Lopez has no talent. The only reason he ever had a TV show is because he was the token Mexican.

  7. His comedy plays the stupid mexican stereotype. How dare him. He made millions in this country by portraying the mexican people as idiots.

  8. Enough racists in this country to elect Donald Trump?

    I didn't realize he had such support from black voters. Sounds like a landslide win for him!

  9. Latino may have a large population but how many can legally vote??

  10. He is not Mexican. Con man.

  11. maybe the largest, but legal is another matter.

  12. 7:07 - spot on...problem is, the dumbocrats have been winning with voter fraud for quite a while.....think about it, is this country really that stupid to have elected and reelected this POSOTUS....is this county really that stupid to have elected and reelected Jimbo Liarton....Ricky didn't really want to get reelected, or he would have gotten his election rigged too!

  13. If thinking George Lopez is not funny and somewhat ignorant as well as liking Donald Trump is racist then please put me on that list. So what.

  14. Too bad there is not an IQ test to qualify for voting. Everyone of you would fail. Racist white trash.

  15. Bob Aswell...RealistJuly 16, 2015 at 11:56 AM

    George Lopez is a tongue in cheek token for the OTHER ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country. Riff-Raff such as himself think they're cute when they try to erode the American Life-Style and what our history stands for. I wonder how much cash he gets to do so as his Mexican counterparts at the prison who aided and abetted 'El Chapo' in his escape. These 'germs' are only in it for the money. Bob Aswell

  16. His newest quote was even better. He said if Donald Trump gets elected they will all go back.

  17. Just make Mexico a state or at least a US possession,problem solved.

  18. Define racism for us, George.

  19. So now the definition of a Racist is "someone who would vote for Trump"???

  20. He is a racist Cocaine addict. He is a nobody.


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