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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Father receives card from estranged gay son 20 years after his death

Duane Schrock, Jr. was estranged from his father, who wasn't comfortable with his son being gay. In a sweet gesture, Schrock sent a Father's Day card in 1989 to try and reconnect, but the letter never arrived. Until now.

Duane Schrock, Sr. is now 87 years old and living in Lynchburg, Virginia. He recently received the letter from his son a full 26 years after it was postmarked. It was like getting a message from beyond the grave for the father, whose son passed away in 1995 from AIDS complications at the young age of 45.

"I still kind of tear up when I think about it," Schrock Sr. told Virginia's WSET. "To get it a few days after Father's Day [but] mailed in 1989."


  1. This is why it's pointless to treat your children any different based on their sexual preference. I still believe that homosexuality is a sin, however, love the sinner (we're all sinners), hate the sin.

  2. Typical of the postal service??

  3. Homosexuality should be treated as the illness it is.


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