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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Breitbart Texas has learned that 2016 Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is heading to the Texas-Mexico border to get a firsthand look at the current border security situation. Trump is expected to meet with Border Patrol agents of the Laredo Sector.

“We look forward to giving Mr. Trump a boots on the ground perspective on the Laredo Sector of the Texas-Mexico Border,” said National Border Patrol Council, Local 2455 President Hector Garza. “Mr. Trump is expected to be in Laredo later in the week.”

Garza told Breitbart Texas that following the border tour, Trump will have a town hall style meeting where law enforcement officers will be invited to provide feedback on their perspective of the border situation.



  1. This should be good! Can't wait to hear what Trump has to say about the border once he gets back!

  2. Will the DHS "sterilize" the border area before his visit or leave it unsecured?

  3. I can't wait to hear alot of what the Thumper has to say. He is kickin' ass and takin'names, and don't even give a shit.He might not get far but at least he has the balls to say some things that need to be said.

  4. He announced it? Those sweet innocent Mexicans we are taking in .......their cousins are gonna kill him! Snipe his ass.

  5. Maybe he will make some fantastic speach about how just over 150 years ago, he would be standing several hundred miles deep into Mexican territory. Maybe he will talk about how detrimental our drug policy is to the way of life for Mexicans, forcing even more to attempt to better their situations by crossing the border. And maybe, just maybe, he will shave that pathetic combover off his thick skull.
    I can't wait until this country finally goes ahead with the plan to institute Marshall law. I hope all the Trump fans flee south for their lives and get turned away or deported by Mexico.

  6. To 1:54. Maybe Trump will talk about keeping your relatives in Mexico where they belong. I hope all the illegals go back to their home country before we find out who they are. If not they may have to go to Ferguson or Baltimore to hide out.

    1. Then go back to where you came from. You are not from here and have Trespassed on Indian lands.

  7. 1:54 I think you need to educate yourself. Trump is correct. Most of the illegals crossing the borders aren't the good father who was deported and is sneaking back in so he can be with his wife and 2 children. That's propaganda and lies and maybe one in a 1000 fit that profile.
    The Mexican border towns are war zones and that is because Mexico drops all of their violent criminals off there instead of putting them in prison hoping that they cross into the US so then we have to deal with them. Most do try and some succeed in crossing over.
    Mexico is a wealthy country. Many more billionaires take up residence there than in the US. They want the criminals gone so they are herded to the border towns and then become the US's problem.
    Remember all the illegal "children" that came into the US? They were mostly from South American who had entered Mexico's southern border illegally. Mexico then bussed them up to the US border and they were allowed access.
    The good Mexicans looking to come here looking for a better life and do it legally are mostly from the border towns that due to the Mexican government's actions are violent poverty stricken war zones.

    1. 4:13 you need to educate yourself.. And not with more Fox news. I work mainly with Mexicans. The guys I know are harder workers than Americans, better savers, family men who are active with their family and the Catholic church and they don't have a superiority complex over other humans based on were someone drew a line on a map 150 years ago. If it weren't for Mexicans in this country you wouldn't eat moron.

  8. Exporting the poor, the criminal and the unskilled, is a win-win for Mexico and they know it. Why should they develop a safety net for their own needy, or waste money on welfare or social programs, when they can just point the lower classes north and say "go north and take!"


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