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Monday, July 27, 2015

Elder: Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off — Far Worse

Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a “progressive” black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters – and 65 percent of Obama voters – cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, “Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites.”

What about net worth and the black-white “wealth gap”? The Financial Times said: “The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 – almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office.

What about unemployment?


  1. no surprise at all, just what they hoped for, just promise some more lottery tickets next election and all will be fine

  2. Duh we all are worse off

  3. The President is the President of all Americans not just Black Americans. It is not sensible to think that in less than eight years one person is going to change economic problems caused by decades if not centuries of difficulty for one race of Americans just because as a mixed race man he identifies as one of that race.

    That flag coming down, the author complained about,is a positive step in the right direction. Not for me as a white male with a family that has been here as freemen since the 1700's but certainly for people who understand that flag's history and people whose families were first outright slaves and later controlled by Jim crow into and past the mid-20th century.

  4. 5:35 You and the rest of the misguided whites who live on the hill in there Lilly white house would say an idiotic thing like that. After six years you are as misinformed as the first time you voted. After six years YOUR PISPOT president has ruined everything and you still don't see it. I know, I know Bush,Bush and Bush. Please go back underneath the rock.

  5. The point that the (black) author of the article is making, 5:35, is that blacks voted for him believing that he of all people would certainly work to improve their situation.
    But it hasn't improved.. it got worse.. BECAUSE of his policies and those of his party.

    Black folk are starting to see this. They face a choice.

  6. 5:35 youe an idiot. People like you are the problem. The author is Larry Elder and all the feel good people are allowing obama and his ilk to fundamentally change our country. The flag coming down means nothing and will change nothing. All he has done is increase the number of American's that rely on the government, or democrats, to survive on welfare and in turn continue voting dumbocrat. Why do you think he is so pro illegal alien. Millions of future voters that are overwhelmingly democrat will only help turn the balance of power.

  7. this fool could be elected king forever if he signs an executive order stating such and most "americans" would be thrilled

  8. 65% voted for him "because of the economy"?

    There's the dead giveaway that the "poll"' was a slanted multiple choice questionnaire.

    95% of blacks voted for him (at least once!). Number one a a only reason, for most of them: because he wS black.


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