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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Do You Believe?


  1. Well we just allowed that same company to begin drilling in the arctic. Because there's no way that could end poorly...

  2. BP = Bog problems
    Burning the Planet?

  3. Those are just goals. Not reality.

  4. Based the packaging of that brochure, and the office equipment in the background (I'm not even sure what it is), that appears to be a picture from 70's. Looks like some type of manual for employees and contractors, for what to do in case of emergency.

    Statement was probably true back then.

  5. Safer than truck or rail.


  6. Facts are that pipelines safely transport enormous quantities of a wide variety of products across great distances. Since they are enclosed most potential issues never become issues.

    Without them, we'd still be walking or riding a horse, except for the 1% who would be trying to mandate horse diapers.


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