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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Democrats Introduce Sweeping LGBT Protection Bill

On the heels of last month’s Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide, congressional Democrats introduced new legislation to prevent discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity Thursday afternoon.

Dubbed the “Equality Act,” the bill would offer federal protections in jobs, housing, public accommodations, education, banking and access to public assistance programs. It also specifically prohibits claims of religious belief under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a defense for discrimination.

There are 31 states without workplace, employment and housing protections for sexual identity, said Rep. David N. Cicilline, Rhode Island Democrat and one of the top sponsors. This bill would affect those states and ensure they provide equal protections.



  1. The Democrap party is so full of Socialists and Communists it should be outlawed, by force as necessary to rid America
    Of the liberal low standards set by them. Enough is enough, no more compromise with these backward upside down Marxist pinko's.
    They are not Americans, they are just a bunch of loser foxes cut loose in the hen house.

  2. I agree with 9:26! If these perverts and sinners want to be protected then shut up and shut your bedroom door. Just because you perverts are an abomination and a sin, then why should we do anything about this. You chose this sick lifestyle and when doing so you also chose the consequences and the repugnance of same as viewed by the majority of our society!

  3. "It also specifically prohibits claims of religious belief under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a defense for discrimination."

    Can't do that.

    See Amendment #1.


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