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Friday, July 24, 2015

County Likes Solar Array Concept, But Wants To Investigate Further

SNOW HILL – County leaders agreed to begin exploring solar energy options this week following a proposal from Standard Solar and Sun Edison.

The Worcester County Commissioners voted unanimously to begin researching the possibility of having the companies erect a solar array in Worcester County.

“I think we need to continue the discussion and do our homework to see where we stand and consider if we want to enter into a contract,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said.

Officials from Standard Solar and Sun Edison first approached officials to propose building a solar project in Worcester County more than three years ago. Standard Solar, the company’s Rob Busler explained, would operate the proposed solar field while Sun Edison would provide the capital for the project.



  1. If it cost the consumer more I am against it. We have nearly unlimited and cheaper energy stores below our feet, no need to support even more Chinese imports.

  2. Beware of the Trojan horse.

  3. To make these solar panels huge amounts of pollution is created. When the panel project fails (Inevitable)the cost to clean up the toxic panels is enormous.

  4. Put the idea in a lock box and give it to All Gore.


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