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Thursday, July 16, 2015


They are both still gainfully employed—woman’s interaction with police began over suspicion of drug use

An awful story in Georgia about a fatal 2010 police shooting as investigated by theAtlanta Journal-Constitution and Channel 2 Action News, illustrates many of the structural and systemic problems in policing and police discipline, not just in Georgia but around the country.

35-year-old Caroline Small took police on a low-speed chase that ended with her Buick Century in a ditch on its rims. The two cops who followed her shot her, claiming they feared for her life because she could drive the car, which was without tires now, down the narrow path between her and them . After shooting her in the head, the cops are caught on their cameras talking about their marksmanship. A subsequent investigation of the incident cleared them of wrongdoing but the investigation by the Journal-Constitution found a number of problems:

An Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Channel 2 Action News investigation of the case found that:

• Glynn County police officers interfered with the GBI’s investigation from the start, seeking to protect the officers.

• The department tampered with the crime scene and created misleading evidence that was shown to the grand jury.

• The local district attorney shared the state’s evidence with the officers nearly two months before the grand jury convened and cut an unusual deal with them just before it met.

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  1. Again, the cop lovers would tell you, don't break the law and the cops won't have to shoot you... If you didn't break the law they wouldn't have to shoot you, and say they are in fear while they laugh and talk about how they shot her and left her with no treatment... wither it could of helped or not... I bet the handcuffed her dead body though...

    So basally, in a cop lovers eyes, it is always your fault, for why a cop has to break the law or kill someone and taunt their dead body...

  2. The old "I was AFRAID" pansie excuse.
    That isn't the worst part.
    The worst part is that people sworn to UPHOLD the law, supposedly without bias, and who piously demand trust and respect from "we, the people", are caught obstructing justice, conspiring to obstruct, interfering with an investigation, tampering with evidence, perjury, and probably some more crimes that I can't name.
    Now, if you or I were charged, or were getting ready to be charged, and did this, we would be branded as "guilty" for those actions (the TRUTH needs NO "cover-up").
    Further, we would be awaiting trial while in jail. No question about it.
    Who wants to argue, with a straight face, that there is NOT two sets of laws? One for the Masters and one for the serfs.
    Its only going to get worse, boys.
    Keep cheering.

  3. but the investigation by the Journal-Constitution found a number of problems:

    Since when did a journalist become the law. You people are idiots for falling for this crap.


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