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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Confederate Flag Sales Up ‘500 Times’

This is what happens when the government tries to ban everything

Stores are reporting that sales of Confederate Rebel flags have shot up, with some claiming that they are selling 500 times more than what they were before the corporate media driven flap over the symbol.

As government and perpetually offended Americans have continued to call for banning anything remotely connected to the flag, retailers have noted that it is having the exact opposite effect, and making it exponentially MORE popular.

“It’s 500 times what it was, without exaggerating,” says Dave Nippert of Lou’s Wholesale. “We could’ve done well marketing nothing but Rebel stuff.”

“People don’t like being told what they can and can’t have,” Nippert added, explaining that he stocked up on Confederate merchandise, knowing full well that an increase in demand would occur.



  1. You'll be seeing more of the Stars and Bars since they pulled it down in SC than ever before.

    The South is rising again!

  2. "This is what happens when the government tries to ban everything."(article)

    The government is not trying to ban everything. They have simply removed a few battle flags off public display on government property whether it be local, state or federal.

    Private enterprise has done all other removal that has taken place like the Dukes off TV.

    The merchants who's scruples do not forbid them from selling flags are quite happy to have a certain part of the population buy these flags with the craziness with which they are buying.

    It is good for that part of the economy. Not so good for the consumer who in the end should they come to their senses will wonder why they are covered in Battleflags and wearing Battleflag underwear.

  3. I'm a Yankee but a dozen. We are all in this together.

  4. 2:53 clueless? it's about the federal government and a certian segment of our society telling the rest of us how to live. I say f off I'll live as I want .... free! you and the rest of the libtards can go to hell! I don't need you or big brother telling me what I can or can not spend my money on! after all it is my money I did in fact actually work for it! It wasn't given to me by you or them!

  5. Just finished adding to my collection with the 1st & 2nd National Flag of the Confederate States of America.
    I'll be flying all three national flags, the battle flag [the real square one] and Bonnie Blue.

  6. Anyone who allows themselves to be offended by a flag a symbol or some other innate object is only a shell of a human being. A zombie. A robot.
    They have allowed themselves to become brainwashed, propagandized followers. They are insecure people who have identity issues.
    These people are all that is wrong in the world.
    Thinking people only get offended by the actions of someone such as the Charleston gunman's actions or those of the Muslim who murdered the military members in TN. Actions such as these are what is offensive.

  7. Mine came in the mail yesterday!

  8. Anonymous said...
    "This is what happens when the government tries to ban everything."(article)

    The government is not trying to ban everything. They have simply removed a few battle flags off public display on government property whether it be local, state or federal.

    Private enterprise has done all other removal that has taken place like the Dukes off TV.

    The merchants who's scruples do not forbid them from selling flags are quite happy to have a certain part of the population buy these flags with the craziness with which they are buying.

    It is good for that part of the economy. Not so good for the consumer who in the end should they come to their senses will wonder why they are covered in Battleflags and wearing Battleflag underwear.

    July 21, 2015 at 2:53 PM

    You are ab ignorant idiot!! Deo Vindice!

  9. I want them back on Government buildings all over the South and I want our parks, monuments, markers, schools, bridges, buildings and graves left alone!

  10. 2:40 It isn't about what you or I, or even what most of us want.

    It's about appeasing blacks so they don't riot and destroy public property. Politicians know the costs of rebuilding and cleaning up, and the cost of police presence to restore order, not to mention political fallout from a single protest/lootfest. Nobody wants it to happen on their watch.

    They have learned, like spoiled three year olds, that yelling, destroying things and tantrums get their caretakers to offer them all kinds of treats and rewards. It's turned into a veiled threat... step up the gravy train or we'll destroy what you built.

  11. 7:05 nailed it....

    How do we wreck the gravy train?!

  12. Well put and dead on, 7:05AM

  13. Never wanted one until I knew it pi$$ed liberals off.


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