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Monday, July 13, 2015

Clintons Ordered To Give Depositions About Emails

Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have been ordered to give depositions in a civil case investigating the pair’s growing email scandal.

Mrs. Clinton will giver her deposition on the morning of July 28 in Washington, and Mr. Clinton will give his the following morning, according to copies of the notices of deposition reviewed by The Washington Times.

The case, filed by Freedom Watch founder and former federal prosecutor Larry Klayman, alleges the couple committed criminal violations under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

According to a statement from Freedom Watch, the suit alleges Mrs. Clinton, the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic nomination, covered up these crimes by destroying her personal emails sent during her time as Secretary of State.

Mr. Klayman alleges in his lawsuit that the Clintons — through mail and wire fraud, and various false statements — misappropriated documents that he requested under the Freedom of Information concerning the Mrs. Clinton’s involvement in releasing Israeli war and cyber-warfare plans and practices.

The lawsuit, filed in March, claims that Mrs. Clinton orchestrated the release to thwart Israeli plans to preemptively attack Iranian nuclear sites.



  1. Ahhhhhh, she already did that.

  2. Good luck with getting the Clintons do reveal anything about themselves that's truthful.

  3. Gee I wonder if they'll lie?

  4. "It depends on what the definition of is, is."

  5. Listen Hillary, you give your statement one day, come home and tell me what you said, and I'll go back the next and say the same thing. Collusion isn't the same as lying after all.

  6. She's not gonna give out any information , you know and I know it.

  7. I would not be surprised if she pleads the fifth...but that would probably kill her campaign but might keep her out of jail.

  8. Bill will claim "I did not have sex with that woman."

    1. Hillary will say "At this point what difference does it make if I have sex with that womanizer?"


  9. Plaintiff's attorneys will hear about a lot of forgetting. They're deposing professional liars.


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