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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Civil Rights Icon’s Tough Message to Black Community on Confederate Flag: ‘If Black Lives Matter…’

Civil rights icon and former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young is imploring the black community to focus on addressing actual racism and the problems negatively impacting blacks rather than the Confederate flag, which is a merely a “symbol that means a lot of things to a lot of people.”

“The problems we face don’t have anything to do with the flag,” Young said in an interview with WAGA-TV in Atlanta. “The fact is that 93 percent of the black people killed are killed by other black people. So if black lives matter, let us start believing that we matter.”

Young, who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said the “challenge” facing the country is “not to wipe out our past history but to learn to live together in the future.”



  1. I don't always agree with Andrew Young, but he got it right this time.
    We need to focus on how to live together.. or even better, how to become One America.

  2. We were but Potus doesn't want that. My black friends now act weird towards me. Could be the weed.

  3. AMEN!!! Black lives apparently only matter when they are killed by white cops...you can't pick and choose.

  4. Not one single person is smart enough to just ignore an issue.

  5. there are blacks that are aware of the deception and lies, from white or black leaders. THESE PATRIOTS will be on our side, when The poop hits the fan

  6. The people of color in my office do not associate with me since the Baltimore rioting. I am wondering if they approve of the behavior in Baltimore, or are they embarrassed?? Just wondering

  7. I disagree totally.

    We need to learn to allow others to live by themselves. Stop trying to get all of us to like each other. We don't and never will.

    I like to associate with certain people. You like to associate with certain people.

    Go associate yourself and leave everyone else alone.

    If a white kid wants to play with other white kids - let him do so. If he wants to play with some black kids - let him do so.

  8. @3:15 How can you ignore the issue if people are burning businesses to the ground?

    @3:31 they approve.

  9. No make not doubt about it. It is not embarrassment it is entitlement. I am sorry to say I have met with the same strained relationships lately. It is sad for all of us. The lid will blow and we will all need to decide where we stand. Just like in the Civil War. History will repeat it self if people do not learn a lesson the first time. This could be catastrophic to the America we know today. There again will be no clear winner just a lot of dead Americans.

    Real leaders need to rise to the front and put an end to this mostly perceived bull shit. There are some real issues but race baiters only want one thing. Be careful what you wish for you just might get.

  10. Well said, Andrew Young! Other prominent blacks have said much the same thing, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, among others.

    Trouble is, people of color do not appear to be listening. I'm left wondering if their wisdom is dismissed because they are successful and "part of the problem?" Hard to say. All I know is I am damn glad to be out of Salisbury, where the largest influx of people is poor families and associates moving to Salisbury to be near their "peeps" at the prison.

    Good luck with that...

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not one single person is smart enough to just ignore an issue.

    July 1, 2015 at 3:15 PM

    This Confederate Battle Flag is an issue we don't want to ignore.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The people of color in my office do not associate with me since the Baltimore rioting. I am wondering if they approve of the behavior in Baltimore, or are they embarrassed?? Just wondering

    July 1, 2015 at 3:31 PM

    I have white friends who have turned on me and attacked me on FB because I support the Flag and my Southern Heritage. I am talking about some ignorant white people.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Well said, Andrew Young! Other prominent blacks have said much the same thing, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, among others.

    Trouble is, people of color do not appear to be listening. I'm left wondering if their wisdom is dismissed because they are successful and "part of the problem?" Hard to say. All I know is I am damn glad to be out of Salisbury, where the largest influx of people is poor families and associates moving to Salisbury to be near their "peeps" at the prison.

    Good luck with that...

    July 1, 2015 at 6:02 PM

    Many white people have become very ignorant about the flag issue. Ironically it's not an issue, but many of the same ones jumped on that bandwagon and then changed their profile pic to the Homo Rainbow. They are the true Kool Aid drinkers who go with the flow. `

  14. I changed mine to a Confederate Flag with MY HERITAGE / YOUR HATE on it, Wonder if they have banned me for it yet.

  15. If you continue to give the same people special treatment with nothing good coming from it but them expecting more of the same, things will never change.

  16. "I have white friends who have turned on me and attacked me on FB because I support the Flag and my Southern Heritage."

    Harsh lesson, but some people aren't worth having as friends. I have disassociated myself from family and friends who define themselves as liberal democrats/progressives. And I steer clear of this type at work. They seem to always be looking for apologies for one damn thing or another. Just miserable people. Dump 'em - makes for a more pleasant life.

  17. Mr. Young states accurate facts, what he says is true and if the blacks of today lived his way the world would be a better place. It is not their 15 minutes of fame stealing, burning, and wrecking a community. If they would put their time to good use, work, stay in school, college, helping out their towns and communities. Being a better example to the younger children, and more of them would not be associated or worse dead to drugs and violence.


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