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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Change the name of Cracker Barrel to Caucasian Barrel

I say all of us European Americans start protesting C****er Barrel. It uses an offensive slur and it is deeply offensive and mocks our long and proud heritage.

The name is offensive, their logo stereotypes European Americans as people who sit on chairs and lean against what appears to be a bourbon barrel, claiming we are all a bunch of alcoholics. Sure, they'll SAY it's a "cracker" barrel but everyone knows crackers don't come in barrels, they come in bags and boxes!

Change the name C****er Barrel to Caucasian Barrel. After all, white people should have something to be offended by, too!



  1. Ban the song "White Christmas" too.

    1. Whoa, did you use the word "white"? That word alone is illegal and offensive.

  2. I hope people see the humor in this and don't take it so serious. LOL

  3. Is a Caucasian Barrel coming to da' Bury or not?

  4. 7:46-Don't overestimate the intelligence of Americans.

    1. Unfortunately you are right. I guess I tried to write that statement with common sense. LOL I already see it all over the Internet and people are blasting it as if it is being done in hopes of really changing the name. It's just to prove a point.

  5. The thing is I think a lot whites are so much more so secure in themselves that cracker doesn't offend them. I know nothing offends me. Things make me angry like when children are animals are involved.
    Only weak minded people with mental problems ever get offended.
    The rest of us understand that not everyone thinks and acts alike and we don't want to be slaves to political correctness.

  6. I am White and proud of it. We have let this country slip into a shame game. The sad part our children are being slammed with rhetoric from the left. Why should any child feel guilty about who they are. The liberal left has gone too far. Children are not pawns they are people. I have literally grown to despise the left and all that goes with it. I like the other 97% of America was not born into money. I have worked since I was fifteen. I was taught to respect all and fear none.

    Sorry left I lost my respect when you started race baiting and guilting my children. F U and the donkey you road in on.

  7. Don't fotget about CrackerJacks! My God!

  8. Have we had enough yet??


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