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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Certain Fats Fight Diabetes: Study

Can butter and whole milk prevent diabetes? Although we've been told for more than 50 years to avoid foods high in fat, a new study found that a specific type of saturated fat called heptadecanoic acid found in fish and whole-fat dairy products, could actually reverse metabolic syndrome, the precursor to Type 2 diabetes.

The CDC estimates that 1 in 3 American adults have metabolic syndrome — more than 86 million.

Researchers at the National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) found that bottlenose dolphins can develop metabolic syndrome, even in the wild, that is similar to humans. But unlike humans, they can easily switch in-and-out. Scientists believed that by exploring what propels the development of metabolic syndrome in dolphins might have implications for humans.


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