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Friday, July 17, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Authorities reportedly investigating Chattanooga gunman's Middle East trips

Authorities reportedly are investigating trips to Jordan and Yemen made by Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the Chattanooga gunman who killed 4 Marines on Thursday.


  1. Finally, people are calling this what it is ! Domestic Terrorism ! Toughen up people, its time to show this Muslim trash that their cowardly attacks will not be tolerated. These terrorists are the epitome of true cowards attacking soft targets.

  2. At what point will Americans realize ALL muslisms want to kill us and take over our country?

  3. Muslims need to be expelled from our country, we don't want or need them here!

  4. As with any activity like this FOLLOW THE MONEY. Who financed these trips and how?

  5. Obama authorized those trip with his "Culture Diversity" program.

  6. REAL Americans already know these acts are terrorism. The only one who won't call it what it is is the president. But then he wants the Muslims to murder Americans or he would do something about it.

  7. damn shame these marines weren't armed. but then obummer would never allow that!

  8. They're just now investigating it? Why aren't they investigating every "devout" Muslim who takes trips to areas known for breeding Islamic sociopaths?

  9. Where is Obama on this?

  10. Anonymous said...
    Muslims need to be expelled from our country, we don't want or need them here!

    July 17, 2015 at 11:47 AM

    Illegal Alien Mexicans are killing us as well. Deport them all. They need to be rounded up/arrested, interrogated, studied, pictures, put a chip in them and get rid of them.


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