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Saturday, July 04, 2015

Backing Into Your Own Driveway Could Cost You In This Florida City

For those who prefer to back vehicles into their driveways, a proposal pending before City Council would make it illegal to park their cars that way unless their license plate information is clearly visible from the street.

The proposed bill is aimed at cracking down on the visual blight that occurs when vehicle owners store cars that don’t work on their property.

Proponents say it’s needed because city code enforcement inspectors face problems cracking down on abandoned vehicles because they need to get the license plate information in order to write a citation. If they cannot see the tags from the street because the car is backed in, they cannot go onto private property to get a closer look at the front of the vehicle.



  1. They still can't tell if the tags are current, since the sticker is on the back. Surely there are far more pressing issues than someone's car in their own yard.

  2. Then they take notes and actually work. Not force people to park their vehicles on their property the way the government wants!

  3. Do what Maryland does. Require plates on the front and back of the vehicle case closed.

  4. How do they get mail delivered ? Who delivers the paper?
    How about UPS or Fed X ?
    Sounds like some lazy government workers , can't walk up to the vehicle.

  5. Backing in to park is all about safety. That's why it's required at the Delmarva Power employee lot.

    So, since the Police are all about safety, protecting, and serving, they should be all for backing into parking spaces!
    Think about it; When you finish a drive, your windows are clear and safe for backing. After a vehicle has been sitting out in the weather, windows become fogged or worse. Only one window is equipped with wipers, a strong defogger, and provides safe visibility in those conditions.

    So, since the Police are all about safety, protecting, and serving, they should be all for backing into parking spaces!

    1. Two windows have the ability to defog windows in most vehicles nowadays. The second being your rear window. Your an idiot every time you comment. Did you know that?

  6. Urban blight? Abandoned vehicles? Stupid much?
    It's purpose is to allow the police to cruise down all streets and run the license plate readers on every car.
    There WILL be fines, fees, surcharges, towing fee kickbacks, and MONEY.
    Just tell the dang truth. Its a wonder they didn't say something about "children" or "terrorists".

  7. Soon my friends soon.. the mark will be required..... id chips are part of obamacare, just delayed.

  8. Sounds like a police state to me.

  9. Police always back in. Where have you been? Look around once in a while.

  10. Can't we all just get along? Stop hating on each other for goodness sake. The powers that be get away with crap like this because people ALLOW them to get away with it. I have reached the conclusion that almost all people WANT to be ruled and told what to do and not to do. That is SO much easier than thinking for yourselves, isn't it?


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