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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Arizona cop arrests naked woman after entering her home illegally

An Arizona woman is planning to sue the city of Chandler after a local police officer illegally entered her home and arrested her while she was naked. Police later found the officer had no reason to enter the woman’s house.

It’s unclear exactly when the incident occurred, but it began when Chandler Police Officer Doug Rose and another cop arrived at the home of Esmeralda Rossi. The two wanted to speak with her after receiving a call about her arguing with her estranged husband.

When they arrived, Rossi was in the shower and her daughter answered the door.

“My daughter came to the shower and said there are two officers at the door. So I just grabbed a towel and ran to the door,” she told local ABC 15, which broke the story and obtained video footage of the incident.



  1. Big lawsuit coming!

    1. For sure. Good thing she recorded it before getting dressed. That's what I'm doing for now on. Cops have never been to my house in 30 years but never know.

  2. This story seems untrue. Towel? Happen to have a camera recording? Nah.


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