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Monday, July 27, 2015

Architectural Plans for the Third Temple Have Begun

While most Jews mourn and pray, one organization has been busily preparing plans to rebuild.

Sunday, on the Fast of Av, Jews throughout the world mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples of Jerusalem and pray for the rebuilding of the Third Temple.

But one organization has been doing a lot more than just praying.

The Temple Institute has released a modern three-dimensional architectural rendition of the future Third Holy Temple, utilizing the latest building material and techniques.

The vivid, three-minute video walks viewers through the main sanctuary, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halakhic (Jewish law) solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans.

While staying true to the Halakhic requirements and dimensions, the project also adds some clear modern twists.

As the visual tour sweeps through the sanctuary, one can see the menorah, incense altar and showbread table, all of which have already been prepared by the Institute, among 70 other sacred vessels.

The presentation was specially released to coincide with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish national day of mourning which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.

More here


  1. This is another sign of the last days according to Christian and Jewish scripture. The temple is to be rebuilt and the Antichrist will be on earth. He will enter the temple and proclaim to be God.

  2. And how does this concern us?

  3. 10:38 You may get to find out soon.

  4. It will only concern you if you are not saved by the Blood of Christ.

  5. This should be important to everyone in this world. It is a sign of the end times.

  6. Jesus! take me away!

  7. I am a Christian,but there is a distinct difference between Jews and Christians.Jesus was a Jew as we all know,but Jews do not consider him the son of God.11:00-I totally agree.(The first 11:00)


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