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Thursday, July 02, 2015

America Had More Married Couples With Kids in 1963 Than in 2014

There were more married couples with children in the United States in 1963 than there were in 2014, according to data published by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Fifty-two years ago, there were 24,321,000 married couples in this country who had at least one child under 18 living in their home,according the bureau's Table FM-1. Last year, despite a significantly larger national population, there were only 23,933,000.

The Census Bureau numbers dramatically demonstrate America's abandonment of the traditional family.

When measured as a percentage of all American households, the presence of married couples with children in our society has been more than cut in half since the post-World War II heyday of the traditional family.



  1. Low morals caused our social decline.

  2. Thank the 1.6% of gays and liberal idiots.

  3. The loss of discipline to practice Faith, morals and hard work destroyed us!

  4. The words premarital sex means nothing if you didn't plan to marry each other to begin with.

  5. Many adults are deciding not to have children. This includes liberals AND conservatives.

  6. Sad! Bunch of liberal morons ruined the family.

    There will be even less now that they gays will be coming out of the closet and guess what.... They can't have children.

  7. Successful marriage and child-rearing requires work, material sacrifice, and compromise. A lot of narcissistic punks around who are capable of neither.

  8. Everything went well when Norman Rockwell was painting America,but no one ever made that connection.He covered his entire spectrum of subjects in a way that made everything at least "appear" to be going well.He was easily deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize,but no one could see the impact he made while he was making it.Only in retrospect can we appreciate this amazing human being & what he accomplished.Paintings like those above and hundreds more were as awe inspiring then as they are now.

  9. The whole gay thing is a conspiracy to reduce the American population. No need to explain.


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