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Thursday, July 16, 2015

A real class act

Ladies and gentlemen, The First Lady of the United States of America.
Texting during the pledge.


  1. Why would you expect anything else from her or her husband. They hate us all in America!

  2. That picture is shameful. Disgusting. Disrespectful beyond words.
    Anyone still think she loves her country?
    Keep cheering.

  3. And yet we (the tax payers) will have to spend millions of dollars protecting her for the rest of her life. Allegiance and loyalty...

  4. That just shows how much she respects the American Flag and America. Wolf in sheeps clothing. Just to think we taxpayers have to pay them for the rest of their lives. Disgusting.

  5. No respect, no class.

  6. Disgusting. I can't stand to look at either of them. And I don't...turn the channel as soon as they come on.

  7. She is probably looking up the words.

  8. they have reached the pinnacle of affirmative action success

  9. As a Veteran I consider this total disrepect and a dishonor. Sadly she can do whatever, I would have been held accountable and going through a court martial.

  10. this is what we get when the low info voters vote. and this is only going to get worse as time goes by. how do you like NON-citizens voting??? then fight it.

  11. Well, to use her own words, maybe she is just not proud of her country.

  12. Just another low intellect Democrat.

  13. 8:57 - why do you think we've been having so much trouble with the Secret Service these days? They don't care about POSOTUS or POSFLOTUS...nobody has taken advantage of it yet!


  14. You all must be white,because the flag is only important to whites.what it really stands for is Terrorism plain and simple.

  15. I'm a democrat but I agree she is being disrespectful. Even some of us democrats love our country, believe it or not.


  16. 12:36 Let us know when you find that better place to live.

    She is abundantly aware that all of her public actions are just that: Public! If she doesn't have the self-control and maturity to delay for 90 seconds....well, it speaks volumes.

    Unless of course it was an alert that some school kid was having a lunch they enjoyed. If that is the case I understand.

  17. @12:36 The flag is only important to whites?? Really?? YOU are a racist pig and probably sucking off that very same flag. Why don't you find another place to live? And don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.

  18. REALLY YOU ALL..Did you all expect anything less from this group of people in Washington ????

  19. You can take the girl out of Chicago but you can't take Chicago out of the girl. Terrible city, terrible first lady (that word was hard for me to type), anyway she no more belongs in America than he does, they need to be deported - NOW.

  20. She is a slime ball ignorant Democrat. What else did you expect.

  21. i heard they play keno and the daily number in the white house

  22. Trashy is about the sum of them. They forget it is America that has paid for all their vacations, mini-trips, food, clothes, and people that actually care about their country that waits on them hand and foot.

    This family has been nothing but a disgrace from the first moment they darkened the doors to the WH and Washington.

    This proves you can put lipstick on a pig, and a suit on a bum, but at the end of the day......


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