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Sunday, July 26, 2015

1000 Muslim Men Stone 17 Year Old Virgin To Death (Caution Very Graphic)

The killing of Du’a Khalil Aswad is shown here. Up to 1000 men from the Yezidi Kurdish community of Mosul killed a teenager who’s only crime was running away to marry a Muslim man whom she loved and for possibly converting to his religion.

For four months the girl had been given shelter by a local Muslim Sheik. It was reported that in the last few days her family persuaded her to return home, convincing her that she had been forgiven by her parents and relatives for her mistake.



  1. yea, religion of peace.

  2. And this is the religion of "peace" ? I WE DON'T STAND UP IN THIS COUNTRY FOR our values and morals you will see this here and in England if we allow Sharia law to be applied here in any manner!

    1. Who went and told all the idiots that sharia law is coming? Look at the anti-muslim stance of MOST of our politicians. It will never happen. We will have our guns confiscated and be locked in FEMA camps before Sharia law us applied. GET A BRAIN AND STOP PARROTING SEAN HANNITY because he doesn't even believe that. He just says it to scare my Grandmother so she will keep watching and boost his ratings.

  3. And Obama says that Islam is the religion of peace.

  4. 10:31 - First of all Obama is and ASS

  5. My Lord, Jesus Christ welcomed her into the Kingdom of Heaven, where she will have Eternal Life.

  6. Stoning is promoted in your book too.

  7. 11:07 yes we have made that MISTAKE in the past, but no longer participate in that practice. We are always evolving, you are not ,and sadly yours is a religion of ignorance and barbarism.

  8. Wrong 11:07. While it was a practice in the Old Testament in the New Testament after Jesus came all the barbaric and uncivilized practices were spoken out against. All religious people were once uncivilized savages and all have stopped it except the muslims.

    1. I'm a Christian. Love my lord! But in the new testament in words written in red..... Jesus does say to kill unruly children that don't respect their parents.

  9. 11:07 , what the hell are you talking about?

  10. The Yezidis are an ancient cult that has been persecuted by ISIS because they're not Muslim. How ironic that they show themselves to be no different in their treatment of "infidels"

  11. They are not Muslims!


  12. What a festive way to celebrate the end of the holy month by restoring the family honor!

    And, lucky us, they plan to bring such an entertaining culture to our cities, towns and villages.

    Thanks, Obama!

  13. 12:32 is correct. They are not Muslim. But they still live in the stone age, pardon the pun.

  14. F'ing animals! And Obama will not call them out for their barbaric practices and can't say anything that connects these barbaric acts to their religion. Obama is the USA chief defender of Islam. Just how the hell is it that his supporters elected him to office, and continue to support his anti-American ways???

  15. May they be judge accordingly.

  16. I am fairly sure this is a dramatization, not an actual bloody stoning. But it still illustrates the barbarity of their culture.

    1. American culture:
      *We committed genocide, killing 90℅ of Native Americans.
      *We stoned and burned alive women who were believed to be witches.
      *We drove buffalo to extinction shooting them and leaving them to rot for fun.
      *We enslaved millions of Africans.
      *We have, since the begining, valued corporations and the rich higher than our own citizenry, trampling their rights when it went against business interests.
      *When slavery "ended" then went to great lengths to keep blacks out of our communities and schools.
      *We are the only country to use the Atomic Bomb in war.
      *We fought multiple undeclaired wars against the Russians under the guise of "aiding allies"and spreading democracy but really turning civil wars into blood baths.
      *Even as we kill for Capitalism, we pay people not to work, charge people to work, and prop up bankrupt failing corporations who went under because their rip off game stopped working, all of which is anti-capitalist.
      *We have used chemical and biological weapons, many places where they were used still suffer the effects years and years later.
      *We use depleted uranium rounds, leaving our war zones toxic wastelands indefinitely.
      *We sell weapons to murderous regimes, or topple peaceful ones using manipulation, blackmail and extortion.
      *We use our banking system to keep other nations poor and to steal their resources.
      *We bomb other nations without ever declaring war.
      *We start wars based on lies, changing the objective of the war whenever it suits us.
      *We occupy other countries with our military for the soul purpose of allowing corporations to make trillions.
      *We spy on EVERYONE
      *We touture people we hold extradiciously for eternity to find out why the world hates us (see above) but we do it in another country to keep it hidden because it is so illegal.
      *We give weapons to terror groups and drug cartels who use them to kill and control innocents.
      *We lock up more people than any nation in the world but call our home "Land of the Free."
      *We have a criminal justice system that serves the rich & guilty better than the poor and innocent.
      *We spout all this support your troops BS while we send them in to foreign danger unnessasary, leave the completely unprotected domestically, then let them die waiting to get into a hospital.
      *We assassinate people with remote control planes, even when we know how often mistakes are made, and say we are the "Home of the Brave."

      Now with each one of these points realize that innocents are losing their lives to murder, unjust imprisonment and financial extortion that amounts to legal slavery.

      But hey, look at those barbarians.

  17. All Muslims need to be exterminated, bring back the Nazis and turn them loose on them, problem solved!

  18. 9:25 No, they aren't all like that. Some are awesome people and are ashamed of the dirtbags that commit evil and make them all look bad.

  19. Good thing you can't get stoned in America.


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