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Monday, June 29, 2015


(June 29, 2015) – A West Virginia teen is currently in stable condition after falling from a fifth story window in downtown Ocean City.

On June 28, 2015, at approximately 9:30 p.m., Ocean City police responded to a hotel in the area of 2nd Street and Atlantic Avenue for a report of an individual that had fallen from a fifth floor window. Upon arrival, officers observed a male that had been injured from the fall in an alley directly below an open window. He was later identified as Ricky Leon Miller, 18, of Hedgesville, WV. Miller was treated on scene by Ocean City Emergency Medical Services and flown to University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center by Maryland State Police Trooper 4 where he is currently listed in stable condition.

After an initial investigation, Ocean City Police Criminal Investigation Division detectives determined that prior to the fall, Miller assaulted a 26-year-old female who was pushing a baby stroller on the third floor of the hotel. The assault was unprovoked and Miller had no prior contact with the female. Miller then fled to the fifth floor of the hotel and was attempting to exit through a hallway window when he fell five stories to the alley below.

Alcohol and drugs are believed to have been contributing factors. The investigation is ongoing and pending charges against Miller have not been determined at this time.


  1. hard to feel sad for a punk kid beating up a mother and her young child.

  2. I keep telling them; "NO MATTER HOW HIGH YOU ARE, YOU STILL CAN'T FLY!"

  3. Ain't karma great..guess our country is in for a big payback now that we are a satanic nation. No longer one nation under God

  4. Being from WV was also a contributing factor from the sound of it.

    1. Need to put the banjo plucker in jail 8:46!

  5. Ocean city is such a wonderful family resort, Not.

  6. 9:42: Don't be ridiculous. 300,000 people in town, one idiot (probably drugged-out) gets real stupid, and all of a sudden Ocean City is not a good place for families to visit. That's stupid.
    Where the hell do YOU live? On some island somewhere? Odds are there's MUCH more crime in your town - a place you call home - than there is in OC.

    1. One idiot? You better look again. Quit drinking the old OC is a family resort kool-aid. It's a weekend slum and bar for visitors from Seacrets south.

  7. Seems like the third banjo to have gotten into trouble this year. Is oc pushing tourism in them there hills or something?

  8. Ocean City hasn't changed. Society has changed.


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