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Monday, June 08, 2015

Would You Believe Me If I Told You There's Actually A Gym Inside?


  1. It is ok for all you citizens to go to DD but a cop should not lol Bigots and hypocrites that is why I love the shore. Cops should not eat, drink, sleep and enjoy life. We wonder why cops hate liberals

    1. No they shouldn't. We have to pay for their heart attacks now! Make them eat healthy and be fit! I'll be damned if I want to pay for a slob cop who has an attack while driving and he crashes causing more bills we have to pay! And on top of that..... Full pay for workers comp for being a fat slob! Thank your crooked last council for the collective bargaining agreement.

  2. From cops own statistics, it looks like cops hate EVERYBODY who's not a cop.
    Anyway, it was a joke about a stereotype that was, is, and always will be funny.
    Bet the cop has 5 inches of fat hanging over his belt.
    And is only 5' 5" tall.

  3. 102 be a man and try to become a cop. Otherwise go back to your basement dinner isn't ready.

  4. That's a good idea,maybe I could disguise a casino as a McDonalds.

  5. Was it the comment about his mother that got my post deleted?

    If he can dish it out, he can take it.
    And I signed my name.
    You let that sissy stay anonymous.

  6. Since most police department don't have yearly physical tests to evaluate the cops fitness, they all get fat and lazy. Just look at the cops around here, a guy in a wheelchair could outrun most of them!

  7. lmclain. I can't find that comment. It was not deleted and it is not in spam. Blogger must have had a brain fart.

  8. Most cops are seriously overweight and out of shape. This is why most teenagers run, they know if they get out of sight, they got it made!

  9. 434 isn't that what you want? What are you asking for, cops to be in great shape so they can catch you? Sounds like to me you just have a problem with authority

  10. Looks like the cop is parked in the fire lane.

  11. Larry you ain't in the greatest shape yourself son.

  12. LOL!
    I can handle myself well enough.
    And I'm not responsible for chasing anyone either.
    And if you have an ounce of "man" in you, you'd sign your name.
    Notice that I'm not.


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