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Monday, June 22, 2015

Wife of Israel's interior minister tweets, and deletes, racist joke about President Obama

Judy Mozes, an Israeli talk-show host and the wife of the country’s interior minister, tweeted a racist joke about President Barack Obama on Sunday morning.

She then quickly deleted it and apologized.

Mozes, who is married to Silvan Shalom, a Likud party member and currently vice prime minister and head of the Ministry of the Interior, tweeted a joke she said she heard that compared Obama's skin color to a weak cup of coffee.



  1. Wonder how many Obama offended when he used the "N" word in his interview with comedian Marc Maron,yesterday, concerning racism discussion. IMO Blacks should surely be offended to hear such a remark made by the POTUS who is 1/2 white.

    I heard this on FOX News this morning and ABC at Noon.

  2. That is not racist. It is Beveragist, and therefore funny.

  3. He is weak in so many other ways.map

  4. Just goes to show how the Israelis really feel about the President and the US. It's one thing for the average private citizen to make jokes, quite another for people in positions of power.

  5. How can that joke be construed as racist? Some people need to lighten up.

  6. So if you state the truth it is now racist?

  7. Well I agree and support Israel 100% and whatever was said about this lying, cowardly, wannabe, kenyan king is probably well deserved due to his very obvious disdain for Israel and BiBi. Our classless cowardly liar has been openly rude to Israel and to many of our allies while sucking up to the muslims in the Mideast and especially thise who want to destroy us and Israel. The problem here is that the real offender of world peace, civility, and decency is this traitor who we must endure two more years before we can elect true patriotic, non-racist leader! I pray that we can get thru the next two years before his obvious divisiveness and treason destroys us completely!

  8. The only thing worse than Obama are his supporters. Putrid shameful despicable people who support him thereby enabling the liar. There is a special place in hell for all of them.

  9. Should ban all coffee so this joke can never be told again.

  10. at least she didn't compare him to a sewer!


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