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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Watch Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby’s Angry Reaction to Fox News Producer’s Cop Question

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby responded angrily on Wednesday when Fox News producer Griff Jenkins asked her about accusations that she doesn’t fully support the police. The tense exchange was captured by news cameras.

“Rank and file cops have said that you don’t have their backs. What would you like to say to them?” Jenkins asked.

“I’m not going to comment on that,” Mosby immediately shot back. “I come from 5 generations of police officers. That’s absurd. Of course I have – I work with the police department. We rely on the police department to get these violent repeat offenders off of our streets. That’s absurd.”



  1. Of course she has their back. Until the next time it is convenient to throw them under the bus. Mark my words, Mosby will try to make a political run in the near future. Talking out of both side of her mouth already.

  2. Funny how she said no comment then went off on him. She is a racist cop hater and she is not going to make amends with the police. She is going to have a hard job ahead of her trying to prosecute criminals. The crime rate is going to continue to explode in Baltimore.

  3. baltimore cops know she is going to make a name for herself and make an example of them, let the riots continue

  4. I don't thinks she's a cop hater. I do think she will act in whatever way furthers her ambition.

  5. Maybe she's not a cop hater, that is, if it's the right cop. You cannot talk out of both sides of your mouth and be in a position such as what she holds. Gotta be one way or the other sister.

    1. Are you kidding? That's half the reason she's got that position at all.

      And we can guess the other reason.

  6. Book deal, White House job. She is smart who cares about the law. She was on stage with prince. Enough said

  7. A donkey has more sense and is better looking.

  8. she is a obama clueless idiot lover.

  9. First time I've seen her speak damn she hates everyone. Hogan needs to fire her ass but then Potus will fire him.

    1. 7:39 I can't believe you said that. Are you that uninformed? Are you that dumb??

    2. He must be. My IQ is lower from just reading the comment.

  10. Obama will give her a job. Another incompetent attorney who got the job ONLY because she's black. Plain and simple! !!

  11. I honestly believe this racist will get a movie deal... Loves talking herself up but when asked about current event she fell apart.

  12. She hates white people. Big time corruption going on in that house.

  13. Former somerset states attorney and current Baltimore states attorney are cut from the same cloth Politics first and law second.

  14. If all this mess should end her career she can blame her own people. More proof that they will drag anyone down who the perceive as a threat to their laziness. Can't believe she was dumb enough to take the bait. What a complete idiot!

  15. Her husband is dirty. She is a racist clown. That city is in trouble big time. I can assure you her five generations of cops are rolling over in their graves. She should be ashamed of herself. learn the law then practice it. She herself has prosecuted cases with the exact type of knife she call legal. Then files a motion in the wrong court. Then tried to charge a cop that was not even on the scene. What a hot mess. I think somebody drank to ton of alcohol while carrying that baby. Must of got her law degree from University of West Baltimore Hmmmmmmm

  16. She is kinda hot.

  17. the new Attorney General is her role model...Law Schools should be the subject of intense scrutiny for what they are doing with our Tax Dollars


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