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Friday, June 05, 2015

Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business


  1. Once again the most dangerous agency of the federal government, the EPA, is behind an avalanche of lies and dis-information. Perhaps they'll pick up the warranties that unsuspecting people will void by using this fake gas.., ya think?

  2. I pay a bit more, but I use Ethenal free fuel. My acr runs so much better.

  3. BAN ALL CARS because the Summers get hot and the Winters get cold....

  4. Ethanol fuel is a joke. It's less efficient than non-ethanol requiring that you use more fuel to travel the same number of miles. The government taxes by the gallon. See the benefit to the government? It is also hygroscopic meaning it absorbs water from the air. Cars don't run on water. Ethanol degrades fuel lines, seals, and diaphrams. It also significantly lowers the boiling point of fuel causing vapor lock in older vehicles and newer boats with inboard motors. Its an all around bad idea promoted by the greenies and the liberal government.

  5. and the farmers love the increased corn prices.


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