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Monday, June 22, 2015

Walker Continues Lead in Iowa Caucus Poll, Rand Paul Slides

Scott Walker continues to lead the field of Republican presidential candidates in Iowa, according to a poll of likely Republican Iowa caucus participants released on Thursday.

The poll, commissioned by the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, also found a 5-point drop in support for Sen. Rand Paul compared to a similar survey by the Des Moines Register late last month.

Walker received 19 percent in the poll, followed by Ben Carson at 13 percent and Jeb Bush at 11 percent. Marco Rubio received 9 percent, followed by Rick Perry at 7 percent, Ted Cruz at 6 percent and Rand Paul at 5 percent.

Paul has been sliding in Iowa caucus polls since January, when he was in second place behind Walker at 14 percent. The latest IRFA poll has Paul in 7th place, tied with “Unsure.”



  1. The Iowa caucus polls don't matter much these days.


    Shake the WORLD!

  3. 1033-Fiorina was a hack CEO who's commonly considered one of the worst of her generation.

  4. "1033-Fiorina was a hack CEO who's commonly considered one of the worst of her generation. "

    By whom? Liberals, and who else?

    She's very smart, an outstanding communicator, and Hillary's worst nightmare.
    A Walker/Fiorina ticket would be great.

  5. Carson/ Paul in either role.


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