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Friday, June 05, 2015

Walk 30 miles or do jail time, judge tells Ohio teen who didn't pay cab fare

PAINESVILLE, Ohio (ABC News) - What the hail?

An eccentric Ohio judge told a scofflaw teen to take a hike -- and walk 30 miles for stiffing a cabbie for a ride of the same length or face 30 days in the slammer.

Painesville Judge Michael Cicconetti, known for his unusual punishments, meted out the sentence to Victoria Bascom, 19, after she was found guilty of theft for not paying her cab fare of $100, Ciconnetti's secretary Diane Armstrong told ABC News Tuesday.

The victim drove Bascom, who was charged with theft, about 30 miles from Cleveland to Painesville this past February, but she left the cab without paying, Armstrong added.


1 comment:

  1. But the rioters of Baltimore got free tvs. Justice system is so fair.


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