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Saturday, June 06, 2015

Waco “Twin Peaks” Shooting Updates

14 Police Officers Fired “thousands of rounds” on 200 Bikers Killing 9, Wounding 18 – Two Thirds Of Those Arrested Had No Prior Criminal History…

IRONY – The death toll from the “Twin Peaks” shootout was greater than the total number of homicides Waco police investigated in all of 2014 – And all of the “Twin Peaks” dead were shot by police.
Previously Waco Police Spokesman W. Patrick Swanton stated 22 members of law enforcement were present prior to the outbreak of the shooting. Including 10 members of the Waco SWAT unit, 2 sergeants, 1 rookie, the Asst. Police Chief and 4 state troopers.

Newly released information today includes the Waco Police stating 14 Waco PD officers were involved in firing shots which killed 9 bike club members and wounded 18 more.

The 14 officers involved in the gun battle are all now on administrative leave, which is standard protocol in officer-involved shootings, Swanton said. (link)

In addition Sgt Swanton previously stated that all of the 170 arrested bikers were known “criminal gang members”. However, a review by the Associated Press of court records finds at least 115 of the 170 had no police records:



  1. Just because they have not been charged does not mean they were not known criminals. Some bastards skate their wholes lives living on the wrong side of the law.

    1. Oh cry me a river. Like you have never broken the law? Ever sped down the road? Had one drink n drove? Littered? Used your phone while driving? Your a criminal as well.

  2. Yes 2:25 AM, and one of those skaters is Hillary and the other "wanna be king" Obama

  3. 2:25 you are a moron.9 people killed by cops 18 more wounded. The only gang I see is the blue gang.

  4. makes you wonder why didn't the police respond with such force to the riots in ferguson and baltimore? racial? of course!

  5. Yes 2:25 and a lot of those skaters are the murderous cops.

  6. 115 of 170 with no criminal records can't be assumed to have ."skated" the law their whole lives.

    They are calling them a "gang" but it sounds like they are primarily a club. Not an organized criminal gang.

  7. I've been to a local bar when memebrs of the Pagans were there and they never gave anybody any problems. I'm sure there is a dark side to them but they've never shown it while I was around.

    1. Agreed. Very nice people they are. Hard working guys. They're even helpful when needed. They come in and eat have a couple drinks and leave. No problems ever. I actually enjoy seeing them walk in. I feel safer knowing they're there and no one will act up in the bar. If police act like this to them here on the shore, I'll have the pagans backs!

  8. 6:01 and 7:24 You have got to be kidding me. A "club"? WTF are you on?

  9. 10:13 you are clueless of MC's Christian mc. Vet mc. fireman mc's and many more. Oh and after the kops killed them they lock up the rest and threaten them. OUT LAW kops KILL.

  10. Why where that many caliber of police there on the first place? Seems like they were ready to do this to the biker groups. And where is the local cops who were screaming this was a lie? Not to mention the ones with no records held on million dollar bonds and told they'll get out or have a reduction if they swear not to slap law suits and sign papers to back it. Flipping cops are murderers! No way to dispute this. They lie. We all know it. They steal. Police are just as much of a gang as any other group.

  11. 10:13 Most are called "clubs" not gangs. What rock have you need hiding under?


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