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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Video Emerges of Violence at ‘Innocent Pool Party’ in McKinney, Texas

Left media is ablaze with articles condemning the police response to a pool party at a McKinney, Texas, subdivision. Now a video is emerging showing why police were called to the scene to begin with – violence.

Residents in a McKinney subdivision were hosting an end-of-school party in their private community pool. Many teens who were not residents of the subdivision began showing up. Some had been invited by residents, some had not. An ad for the event had been placed on social media sites.

Teens who were not invited began climbing the fence to get in, according to reports from residents of the area.

Trouble began when they were asked to leave by residents and pool management.

Now, at least one video (below) shows a fight that broke out between a teenage girl and two adults.

comments-ie. black kids should go back to public housing led to adult women fighting kidspic.twitter.com/5ZNSzZymzs @NewsRevo vid @k1dmars

— Revolution News (@NewsRevo) June 7, 2015

Police were called to the scene and attempted to get some of the trespassers to sit down while they investigated. Many of the teens fled and police chased some of them down. This is when the video of the incident with police began. There does not appear to be any video of the initial police contact with the teens.

One resident, Benet Embry, a black man, posted on Facebook about the events leading up to the police call. “Look, I LIVE in this community and this ENTIRE incident is NOT racial at all,” Embry wrote. “A few THUGS spoiled a COMMUNITY event by fighting, jumping over fences into a PRIVATE pool, harassing and damaging property. Not EVERYTHING is about RACE. WE have other issues that NEED our attention other flights of made up make believe causes.”



  1. Oh brother , it's coming , sooner than you think!

  2. They had no business being there. As soon as they were told to leave by the person of authority who was the security guard, they should have left and taken it up with the party organizer.
    Instead they acted up as they tend to do because they never evolved into civilized human beings and then cry racism.
    I am so sick of these uncivilized inbred losers and their useless "parents" who take up for their bad behavior. Now we are supposed to feel sad that they are killing each other when they get older. Not me. I say keep on killing each other. The ones being killed serve no useful purpose to society anyway. And to the so called "parents" who are grieving-suck it up, you deserve it because you grew it. It's the price to be paid for being a useless parent.

  3. Children NEED to be taught morals and ethics. Unfortunately, a lot of parents have been raised with the 'entitlement' mentality. The parents believe they can act like hooligans, therefore the children will act the same way. Very few of the children will break the mold; it is possible, but I don't believe it is a high percentage.

  4. The media was amazing during the interview with the Chief. They were determined to corner him until he verbally condemned the officer. Kudos to him for standing his ground and not making an opinion without an investigation being completed. The media and certain segments of society have already rushed to judgement on this matter and have frenzied like feeding piranhas. The sad part is that behind the scenes the administration has already thrown the officer under the bus and is now in damage control mode to save the government of the town from the court of public opinion as race baiters spin this out of control. Watch what happens as officers across this country retract into a policy of "respond only when called". I mean...that's what many of you want....right? No proactive policing? Police have been taking out the trash for hundreds of years now and we live in our posh little safe environments because of it. Now that the things they must do to keep this country liveable have been placed on every facebook page and instagram stream in the nation, we actually get a firsthand look at the situations they handle everyday. Yes they are human. Yes they are subjected to the same physiological phenomena, such as adrenaline surges, as every other human beings. Yes they make mistakes. Perhaps each and every one of you would like to have every strong and weak point of your life exposed.
    perhaps each one of you would like to be recorded while subjected to extreme circumstances and have everyone else play Monday morning quarterback as we judge you, ridicule you, and speak poorly of you personally. Perhaps we should put it out there for your kids and all of their friends to see. Be very careful what you ask for!! Anarchy is just a breath away and I don't think anyone knows just how bad that can be.

  5. Cop got screwed. Feel bad for the guy. The mob is laughing and feeling in powered. We white people are in trouble.

  6. The MSM is always stirring up trouble without getting all the facts. They are in the forefront concerning the moral breakdown of this country. There will be a price to pay when they finally get the race wars started nation wide.

  7. the white woman started it with racial slurs. everybody has some fault but the kop most of all.

  8. They started fighting and attacking residence of the community.

  9. 10:11-- Apparently you didn't read the articles that I have. Your attitude is part of the problem in this country, because it's always going to be the white person's fault in your mind. I don't care what color you are, if you are trespassing & refuse to leave, you should be arrested. If people go to surround & move in on an officer, he should draw his/her weapon. Or is he/she to get hurt or killed by an angry crowd? Would that make it better, since you seem to have all the answers? MSM stirring the race pot, with people like you blindly agreeing since it suits your agenda. Personal responsibility for your actions is what I believe in, while people of your ilk insist on pointing the finger at someone else.

  10. it was very obvious to me that one individual went after the Officer's gun and the Officer drew his gun to secure it and ward off the swarm of indigents.

    We live in a culture where lies pay off for activism. The Officer resigned but he needs to come forward and rebuke the claims made by the usual suspects who carve out a living with their lies. I would certainly back him financially if he were to sue some of these organizations. We need to fight back against Obama's incivility.

  11. 10:11 can't miss a post about "kops" without commenting. The officer screwed up by letting these worthless punks get to him. But the only people to blame are these trashy kids. This is happening all over the country, and it ain't getting better. No coincidence that with our supposedly "post-racial" president in office, race relations are worse than they have ever been in my lifetime.

  12. The officer handled it extremely well and should be commended. That is exactly how you deal with an aggressive, resistant subject. great work. I'm sorry you are be hosed by race baiters.

  13. Just ignore the "kop" hater. Whoever it is isn't worthy of us to respond to them. They are beneath us in ever way so don't waste your time on the trash.

  14. "They had no business being there. As soon as they were told to leave by the person of authority who was the security guard, they should have left and taken it up with the party organizer"

    This is how normal civilized human beings deal with things but we aren't dealing with anything normal and forget civilized.
    Whoever coined the phrase African American hit the nail on it's head. You can take them out of Africa but you can't take it out of them. The our of control lack of impulse control takes over them and they can immediately revert back to tribal instincts creating the lawlessness that still to this day exists in Africa.
    I would be ashamed if I were black. They don't have anything to be proud of.

  15. I am surprised that anyone who has to call a Law Enforcement Officer a "Kop" would be able to finish two full sentences... hooray for our Public Schools

  16. I would think calling them 'kops' or 'cops' would be wrong. Isn't cops an acronym for citizens on patrol? I don't want to think what 'kops' is an acronym for.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am surprised that anyone who has to call a Law Enforcement Officer a "Kop" would be able to finish two full sentences... hooray for our Public Schools

    June 10, 2015 at 5:35 PM

    I would put my IQ up against yours anyday

  18. Why? Did you get your GED while in jail?

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why? Did you get your GED while in jail?

    June 11, 2015 at 10:25 AM

    Yes, and I'm STILL smarter than you. ur turn genius


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