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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Vets angry Obama Flag replaced American Flag


  1. Dems have no limits to their stupidity.

  2. This is just the reason I will never vote for another Democrat as long as I live. How can they still support that liar is beyond me.

  3. It could have been avoided by the idiot that put it up having some basic idea of U.S. flag protocol, and if she didn't, FIRST checking online for official guidance.
    I hope that this video serves to inform others.

  4. Putting his face on the flag is the same as taking it out and smearing it with dog crap! I threw up in my mouth when I saw this!

  5. LOL Shouldn't disgrace the flag with that face!!!!! It needs to be burned...

  6. That woman looked like she had some intelligence, but obviously looks are deceiving!

    How can anyone with half a brain even consider liking that illegal Muslim from Kenyan is beyond me.

  7. The veterans, most of whom probably had a few rifle/machine guns fired at them or took artillery fire and watched some of their friends turned into hamburger, or froze half to death in Korea, were a LOT more patient than they should have been.
    For an adult of her age to do that to our flag (or condone it and DEFEND it)is indicative of the low IQ that his supporters have....
    I'm not saying I would firebomb that building, but I wouldn't be surprised if some veteran, schooled in stealth and surreptitious movement, ACCIDENTLY spilled gasoline all over the place and inadvertently lit a cigarette.
    Things happen.

  8. What a sad state of affairs our Country is in when someone even considers a flag like this. Totally repulsive. But, they are Democrats and they know no better. If it had been a Republican's face on that flag I would make the same comment.

  9. This has to be fake?

  10. What do we expect? Every lying, cowardly kenyan king is represented by his own flag of choice. Are we finally having enough o this now??


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