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Friday, June 05, 2015

Two House Bills Would Completely Legalize Marijuana Across the U.S.

Yes, the United States federal government might just legalize marijuana. Two congressmen just filed two separate House Bills on Friday that together would legalize marijuana at the federal level. That means an effective end to the U.S. government’s prohibition policy on the plant.
Representative Jared Polis (D-Colorado) recently introduced the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act. This Bill proposes just what it sounds like. Marijuana would be legal, but regulated like alcohol. The Bill would completely remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act’s schedules.
The Drug Enforcement Administration would no longer have any say or oversight in policing and regulating the plant. Instead, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, would handle regulation of legal marijuana in the same way they regulate alcohol.
Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) also introduced the separate Marijuana Tax Revenue Act, which imposes a federal excise tax for regulated marijuana. While that might sound like a huge bummer to marijuana users, it provides a big incentive for politicians to make a progressive move on legalization.
States could still enact their own, individual prohibitions, but the federal ban that exists today would be gone.


  1. Alcohol, Tobacco, and firearms; the three most fun things in the universe!

    Now we have a fourth fun thing to regulate (Tax).

  2. Hip hip hooray a sensible step in the right direction its futile just like prohibition. It should be passed but wont, Politicians make too much on kickbacks.

  3. Concerned RetireeJune 5, 2015 at 7:10 PM

    If they legalize marijuana at the Federal level then they should legalize the right to carry at the Federal level then you will not have to worry about State laws when travelling.
    The only difference is my weapon is for personal protection and Marijuana is a drug that creates harm and controls your body beyond your control.

  4. Just what America doesn't need, another legal substance that is used primarily for intoxication purposes!!

  5. Good, tax it and lower my property taxes!

  6. Majority rules on this one just legalize it.

  7. Anyway to save the ATF. This group of Nazis were almost disbanded. This will give them new life.


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