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Friday, June 12, 2015

Transgender Va. student sues school over private bathroom

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - A transgender teenager said in a lawsuit Thursday that he has been stigmatized by a policy that bars him from using the boys' restrooms at his eastern Virginia high school.

The American Civil Liberties Union is representing Gavin Grimm in the lawsuit against the Gloucester County School Board. The complaint says Grimm, 16, used the communal restrooms without incident until the board, responding to complaints from local residents, adopted a policy in December requiring transgender students to use a private facility.

"To avoid the stigma of having to use separate restrooms, Gavin has tried to avoid using any restroom during the school day," the lawsuit says.



  1. The people raised hell because their kids came home doing the same! How else would parents know? If your a man dressed like a woman or vice versa and I catch you in the bathroom with my kids , I'm gonna beat some sense in you!

  2. I think our country has bigger problems to worry about than where some weirdo needs to crap.

    1. Come on. This is a problem. This is more tax money you will have to pay if this thing win.

  3. How can this person expect everyone to understand unless they wear a sign that says "I'm dressed like a woman but have male reproductive organs or vice versa". If I were using the bathroom and a "male" walked in I would automatically tell them you're in the wrong bathroom. How would I know he/she actually had a vagina?

  4. Give the weirdo a five gallon bucket and move on problem solved. This politically correct bull shit has gotten way out of hand. Use a stall each time cry baby. No one would be the wiser. WTF Better take a hammer and smack yourself in the head. Stop that f up gene from spreading

  5. So what happens when it comes to the locker rooms in the schools? Do we allow kids with different parts to dress in the same locker room? Do they also shower together? What is to stop Johnny Jock from wanting to go into the girls locker room to take a peek? At what point do we say enough is enough?

  6. I clearly remember having a gay gym teacher when I was in school who stared at all the young girls going in and out of the showers. Everyone knew but nothing was done. Very hurtful indeed.


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