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Monday, June 22, 2015

‘This Is A White Supremacist Society That Dehumanizes Minorities’ – White Lady On Msnbc

Some crazed professor of politics at Occidental College got hysterical and started saying that America is a white supremacist society. Yeah sure, OK white lady*.

Sure, Caroline. Is that why so many are demanding to gain entrance to America? It’s amazing that people like this call America the worst racist place in the world but then want tons of illegal aliens to roam free here. If it’s so bad isn’t charitable and humane to deport them where there isn’t so much racism?

*assuming she doesn’t identify as Dolezal-American

Watch Video HERE.


  1. Just ask Rachel how life is now that she is white?!

  2. 2:25 Hopefully she got a whole trough full of the "white privilege" fantasy from her racist former employers at the NAACP.

    She's going to have a huge awakening when she can't fall back on the "black privilege" she'd been so generously flaunting.'

  3. Minorities are demonizing themselves-period end of story not debatable. The way they are killing each other off each and ever day in this country only a fool would not be suspicious of them until they prove otherwise.

  4. oh but the knockout game is ok on White people?

  5. No, it isn't. And we are too civilized to commit such savagery on others.

    As it should be.


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