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Friday, June 12, 2015

This chart shows how the Hyperloop could destroy all other forms of transportation

Elon Musk's Hyperloop puts other kinds of transportation to shame.

Whether it's for speed, frequency, or capacity, the Hyperloop — at least on paper — makes other ways of traveling look inefficient.

A chart in a recently published report by SupraStudio, which is a studio at UCLA’s architecture school, shows just how the Hyperloop stacks up to its competition. And the results are impressive.

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, which is one of the companies planning to soon build a Hyperloop test track in California, collaborated with Suprastudio to help come up with the data for the report.

Check out how high-speed tube travel compares to other forms of transportation in the table below.

1 comment:

  1. how much taxpayer money will he get for this venture?


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