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Friday, June 05, 2015

There’s finally a Hooters-style restaurant featuring men. It’s called Tallywackers.

As legend has it, Rodney Duke, a bar owner and Dallas businessman, was enjoying a meal at Hooters in 2005 when he was confronted by one of the world’s great mysteries, a question so profound it has vexed some people for decades.

“Everyone has asked themselves the same question over time when visiting all these other venues that are related with female eye candy,” Duke recently told the syndicated “Kidd Kraddick Morning Show,” recalling the moment inspiration struck. “Why is there not a male equivalent?”

So he decided to do something about it.

Enter Tallywackers, the world’s first, uh, male-themed “brestaurant.”



  1. I see nothing wrong with a business idea like this but I don't see it as popular as Hooters.

    Most women have no issue going to Hooters but I know that many of us straight men would not be caught dead walking into Tallywackers.

    1. Classic homophobic statement.

  2. Sounds like a gay bar in Salisbury.

    Don't give Jake Day and Jim Liarton any damn ideas!!

  3. Caitlyn Jenner would love it.

  4. Caitlyn Jenner might be a lesbian....said he wanted to be woman never said he wanted to be with men. Some trans like the sex they want to be not the opposite sex

  5. 10:02 is scared of good looking men. What? Are they going to try and make up gay? lol. I guess Michelangelo was gay because he sculpted the statue David?

  6. They are not showing nearly as much as the girls at Hooters show.

  7. They serve wieners, hotdogs, sausages, and Salomi, now burger or wings. Who would of thought.


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