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Thursday, June 25, 2015

“The Good Crisis that Can’t be Wasted”

The words made famous by former White House Chief of Staff and current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel are, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” Of course he should have added in the very descriptive adjectives of “politically manufactured” right before the word crisis. And so it goes, not even one week since the shootings by a racist sociopath at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, we see the politically manufactured message being disseminated and promulgated by the liberal left progressives who seemingly own the Democrat party.

Instead of heeding the teachable moment being displayed by the people of Charleston, Emanuel Church, and even the family members of the souls who were horribly taken away – the message remains on that which seeks to divide. As we watched the services, the response, and human bridge of unity on this past Sunday, the prevailing ranting was still about race.

Let me make myself very clear: the sick, demonic individual who perpetrated the heinous attack a week ago should burn in hell. The act of evil he committed in unconscionable. But it was an individual act, recognized by the people of Charleston. To try and elevate this into some national level discussion is nothing more than political opportunism.

Need I remind those of us who know American history, it is rather hypocritical of the Democratic Party to believe that they are some champions against racism. Historically, they are the party of slavery, secession, segregation, Jim Crow, lynchings, poll taxes, and literacy tests. It was President Lyndon B. Johnson, who on Air Force One before other governors, used a racist epithet to describe how his policies would have blacks voting Democrat for 200 years. We are fifty years into the seemingly intended consequences of those policies. Policies that have advanced a new type of slavery; not the physical but rather the metaphysical – economic enslavement of our urban centers, mostly populated by the black community.

It appears to me that the feigned outrage being displayed truly has more to do with political posturing rather than heartfelt care or concern.

The politically manufactured crisis being touted – to include the liberal media “gotcha” question about a confederate battle flag – has little relevance to the real issue. Why is it that we do not hear about the same outrage with black on black murder happening in the hometown of President Obama and candidate for president former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, or in the hometown of presidential candidate Martin O’Malley. Yes, I am referring to Chicago and Baltimore. Do the hundreds of lives of young black men lost in these cities not constitute a crisis? Remember, it was an older black man who brought the legal challenge to the restrictive gun control laws in Chicago because he wanted to be able to protect himself.


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