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Monday, June 01, 2015

The future of Police Protection?


  1. Thats about right because we all know there is no middle ground betweeen police just killing people and doing there jobs the correct way.

  2. time to get rid of the police altogether and let people defend themselves. more likely to be killed by a kop than a criminal nowadays.

  3. I believe that police everywhere have a tough job. They never know when they leave home and their families if they will return safe and sound. I believe they do their best to try and calm a situation down first by using reasoning and listening skills. I don't believe they go out and start shooting people for no reason. That makes no sense.

    I do believe the police have had rocks, stones, glass, and bullets hurled at them. I do believe police have been spit on, called vulgar names, and taunted. I do believe the police have tried their best to hold their ground. I do believe each and everyday the police go out to protect and defend the people they are sworn to serve faithfully, and lawfully.

    I do believe there is a total lack of respect for the police. This is evident by the youth running wild in the streets across America. This is evident by gangs, and other supposedly adults baiting the police.

    There is a total lack of respect first for self, and then for anyone in authority. The excuses are many; no male, no female, no grandparents in the home; no jobs, no opportunities. This list gets longer everyday. The real excuse is no motivation to even try. Would it actually hurt you or do you any harm to be still and actually listen, and talk with an authority figure to hear both sides. No harm would ever come.

    I do believe there are far too many drummed up accusations hands up don't shoot, black lives matter, no peace no rest, etc. stupid words slung together with no meaning in fact.

    Unless and until individuals start showing respect for themselves and others, and until individuals start listening first before running or jumping to conclusions their lives will have no meaning for anyone. If a police officer says to stop, then stop. Nothing ever gets resolved by hatred or fighting ever. Only innocent people get hurt and for what?? because someone would not stop.

    I do believe in fairness, and the truth for everyone. And I still believe in America. And I thank police everywhere for doing their best yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

    1. Wow black lives matter drummed up?
      And everything you said was hurled at the cops I can show you american police doing the same. Down to throwing rocks! It goes both ways. I leave my house an innocent civilian and may not return to my family because a cop carelessly wrecks into me while texting or blowing a light. Come off your speech. Its dribbling down your chin.

  4. 4:10, that's not even remote;y true.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:10, that's not even remote;y true.

    June 1, 2015 at 6:22 PM

    you haven't been paying attention


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