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Friday, June 26, 2015

The flag of the sheep


  1. USA is the new France!

  2. This is so right!!

  3. This is a country with many people with mental illness.
    Anyone who gets offended over an innate object like a flag or even the words of someone has severe mental problems. Normal people only get offended over the actions of someone like the shooter in Charleston.

  4. Um Why do you say that?

  5. No, still not acceptable, it is white.

  6. Seems like it has already been waved in this country.

  7. The church shooting is not the first time this flag has come into debate. The incident only resurfaced a long standing issue that needed to be addressed.For all those who commented here. What is it about this flag that you feel so strongly about to argue why we should continue to use it?

  8. Because 3:20 people need to start acting like real people and not a bunch of all think alike prgrammed zombies.
    I have a painting of Grandfather. Embroidered on his ascot tie is a Swastika. The painting was commissioned and painted in Russia in the 1870's, well before Hitler was even born. The Swastika is symbol of the aristocracy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. To me it represents my aristocratic roots.
    To me it means something entirely different than most people. I've visited Auschwitz, the Nazi prison camp in Poland. I hate the Nazis and what they did ( and if I want to hate that's my prerogative as well) What they did offends me and that's the way it should be. We should be able to disagree and only be offended when someone physically harms someone.

    This is what diversity is all about. Different people who think differently.
    It's called being individuals.
    Some think of the rainbow as a sign of gay pride. I think of the rainbow as a pretty colourful sight.

  9. "What is it about this flag that you feel so strongly about to argue why we should continue to use it?"
    3:20PM, there is only one thing about this flag that we true Americans see at issue. The First Amendment. That should be all that needs be said.

  10. No, they will find something to bitch about with this one too.


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