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Thursday, June 18, 2015

The 10 Best Lines From Donald Trump’s Announcement Speech

It’s hard to pick just ten.

Donald Trump launched his quixotic presidential bid Tuesday in a speech at his Trump Tower office building in Manhattan.

The discursive, pugnacious announcement was one of the more bizarre spectacles of the 2016 political season thus far — and one of the most entertaining.

It’s hard to pick just one sound bite, but here’s a shot at the 10 best nuggets:

10. On terrorism: “Islamic terrorism is eating large portions of the Mideast. They’ve become rich. I’m in competition with them.”

9. On his GOP rivals: “The other candidates — they went in, they didn’t know the air conditioning didn’t work. They sweated like dogs. They didn’t know the room was too big because they didn’t have anybody there. How are they gonna beat ISIS? I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

8. On the future of the Affordable Care Act: “Remember, Obamacare really kicks in in ‘16. 2016. Obama’s gonna be out playing golf. He might even be on one of my courses. I would invite him, I actually would say it. I have the best courses in the world so I’d say, you know what if he wants to. I have one right next to the White House. Right on the Potomac. If he’d like to play, that’s fine. In fact, I’d love him to leave early and play.”



  1. It would not surprise me to find out that his campaign was bankrolled by the writers of SNL.

  2. How can he be so rich and so stupid. Wow

  3. Talk about the 1% being out of touch!

  4. Think that was the worst speech I have ever seen from anyone on anything

  5. Stupid? I don't think so. Sounds pretty darn smart to me. I love this guy.

  6. So you think his answers were smart? Made sense? Build a giant wall to keep Mexicans out( Berlin Wall or Great Wall of china) maybe he was referring to the big wall on Game of Thrones.

  7. He made a mockery of very serious questions. He never even served.

  8. what is stupid is what we have had in the white house for the past six years. maybe this is what the country needs. my bet is that he would clean out Washington. he certainly is not a RINO

  9. I agree 7:37. The only people who don't like him are those who are living in a dream world. Those who are so out of touch with reality and so low information that they don't deserve to vote anymore because they are all that is wrong in the country.
    And the worst part is most of them are parents. They make the worst kind of parent a child could ever have the misfortune of having. A parent who could care less about making the country a better place for their own children.
    And to those calling Trump stupid-As soon as you amass a 9 billion dollar fortune then you have the right to call him stupid. Until then you would best be served to keep your mouth shut because your peon self calling Trump stupid clearly without any doubt shows you are nothing more than a complete ignoramus.

  10. While I do not think he has a chance of being elected PotUS, I think he is the absolute best candidate in the race. I think most people look directly at the words he spoke and take them for their exact meaning. Just like the Bible, you cannot take the words for their exact meaning. For instance number 9. he is basically trying to say that the other candidates do not realize how big of a responsibility they are trying to get themselves into. Other times he is fairly straight forward. He will build that wall on our southern border. I would like to know how he would get Mexico to pay for it, but I think if anyone can do it, he could. I hope he can get his ducks in a row and get his message in front of main stream America and have them really listen to and hear what he has to say. He would straighten up a lot of what the current trash is doing to our country.


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